Integrated Consulting lends their expertise to a new solar farm project in Western Pennsylvania.

Energy production for residences and businesses is a critical need for everyone in the United States. Meeting that need often faces not only economic but environmental challenges, and much attention has been paid to sustainable, green sources of energy production. An important part in attaining sustainable energy production with real economic benefits is solar power.

Generating electricity with solar power instead of fossil fuels can dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2). Additionally, solar power creates cheaper electricity, leading to more spending power by consumers, which boosts the economy. A free supply of solar energy means that the consumer is not at the mercy of increases in cost of fossil fuels, giving them more money to pump into the economy.

Once completed, the solar farm will be able to produce clean electricity for up to 40,000 homes. 

While the benefits of new solar facilities are clear, it is important to have the right team of professionals in place to support these projects and ensure they are developed properly. That is where Integrated Consulting plays a pivotal role. Our team is currently working on a 40MW solar facility in Mercer County Pennsylvania. The project will be located on 272 acres of reclaimed mine land.

The project site presented some interesting design challenges including a very flat topography with several acres of wetlands that require protection. Infiltrating stormwater runoff due to soil saturation from the wetlands was also a consideration in the design. By utilizing a native pollinator meadow seed mixture under the panels, the completed project will improve surrounding water quality by decreasing Phosphorous, Suspended Solids, Nitrates, and other pollutants.

To ensure this project’s success, Integrated professionals are functioning as a representative at the local zoning hearing to attain the Special Exception to Allow Solar Development (Major Solar Energy System). Additionally, we are providing local and county level Land Development Permitting and PADEP Chapter 102 NPDES Permitting, as well as assisting with PADEP Chapter 105 Joint Permit and PennDOT HOP. The IC team worked closely with Mercer County Regional Planning Commission and Mercer County Conservation District to ensure this project will meet the needs of everyone in the community.

Once completed, the solar farm will be able to produce clean electricity for up to 40,000 homes. Additionally, the operator and farmer plan to incorporate grazing underneath the solar panels to manage vegetation, keeping the area well maintained and providing a resource for the farmer’s livestock that supports his business within the community. Construction is anticipated to begin in the first quarter of 2025 with the facility becoming fully operational in the first quarter of 2026.